Fire Prevention

Fire prevention includes all activities which reduce the number of fires that start, including reduction of fire risks and fuel hazards, public education, forest closures, regulated use areas and industrial operation inspection programs.

Prevention planning efforts focus on two specific target groups:

  • A. General public, hunters, recreators and children as related to smokers, forest recreation, debris burning and children-caused fires.
  • B. Forest landowners/logging operators as related to slash burn escapes and operation related fires.

Our prevention efforts will be directed toward two major activities: General Prevention and Specific Prevention.

General Prevention Activities:

An accurate determination of fire cause for each and every fire is essential. This information is the cornerstone to a successful fire prevention plan. The initial attack firefighter is responsible for determining cause and protecting the point of origin. If the cause cannot be determined, an investigator will be sent to the scene.

When conditions of weather and fuel become critical, the District Supervisor will initiate forest closures.

Each employee should use every contact with local residents, ranchers, loggers and recreators as an opportunity to discuss fire prevention.

Specific Prevention Activities:

The major cause of fire starts in the district can be grouped into these categories:

  1. Lightning
  2. Debris Burning
  3. Other Public (including smoker, recreators and children-caused)
  4. Arson
  5. Industry related Fires

Prevention Specifics:

  1. Walker Range FPA prevention objective will be aimed at minimizing losses, protecting wildlife, recreation, aesthetics and soils from destruction by fire. With our emphasis on prevention of urban/forest interface and lumber/logging fires.
  2. During periods of high fire danger or areas of extreme hazard, the district will coordinate public use restrictions with adjacent fire agencies and industrial operators.
  3. The district will utilize a sign program to inform the public. These signs shall be placed at strategic locations and care will be given to maintain in proper fashion. Signs will not be mounted on utility poles or trees.
  4. Each employee must take the opportunity to speak fire prevention. The best fire prevention efforts are conducted on a person-to-person basis.
  5. Extensive logging operations have increased both the hazard and risk throughout large areas of the district. Industrial fire prevention in the district shall encourage hazard abatement for all operations. Every opportunity shall be taken to conduct fire prevention inspections on industrial operations.
  6. The district will coordinate with state, federal and rural fire departments to accomplish a organized team effort in prevention for a more cost effective and consistent approach and be involved to the greatest extent possible with local fire prevention cooperatives.