
graphFitness Requirements

The purpose of the physical fitness policy is to meet part of the District’s overall safety goal of preventing loss of human resources, and meet the general requirements of OR-OSHA Division 6 requirements for wild land firefighters. This states that the employer shall review and evaluate the physical capability of each employee to determine their ability to perform duties, which may be assigned during emergencies. The review and evaluation shall be accomplished through two (2) different fitness tests. These tests consist of the 1.5 mile run/walk (age vs. time) or pack test.

WRPA Job Application Form


  • Direct Fire line Activities – any activity performed to totally extinguish a fire, which includes on scene initial attack, containment, control and mop-up of any fire emergency.
  • Support Activities – all employees whose duties do not include direct Fire line activities.

All Walker Range FPA firefighting personnel with direct Fire line activities will participate in these testing programs. For Walker Range Spa’s purpose, the firefighting definition will include anyone working or assigned to wildfires or prescribed (slash) fires as part of their position description. Each firefighting employee’s position description will reflect the level of fitness required to be maintained during their employment. This will be one criteria used in evaluation of employee’s work performance.

Work Capacity Testing

Ensuring Wild land Fire Safety
What is the “Pack Test?”
Work capacity tests are used to qualify individuals for the three levels of wild land firefighting duty:

  • Arduous
  • Moderate
  • Light

The work capacity tests measure:

  • Aerobic capacity
  • Muscular strength
  • Muscular endurance

All wild land firefighters must meet minimum levels if fitness requirements for the type of duties they are assigned

Arduous: involves fieldwork calling for above-average endurance and superior conditioning. All firefighters are required to perform arduous duty:

Moderate: involves field work requiring complete control of physical faculties and may include considerable walking, standing, and lifting 25-50 lbs. Safety officers and fire behavior analysts are examples of moderate duty positions:

Light: involves mainly office-type work with occasional field activity. Examples include area and helibase managers.

Testing wild land firefighters for work capacity is important for several reasons:

  • Personal safety and health
  • Co-worker safety
  • Improved operations

More on Training:

Before you begin to train for testing or substantially increase your level of activity, consult your physician. This is especially important if you are over 40 and have been inactive, have a history of a heart condition or chest pain or loss of balance, or have a joint or bone problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity.

Once you are cleared to begin training, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Adequate footwear that will cover and protect your feet and ankles while testing
  • Comfortable clothing
  • A pack. The type of pack is a personal choice, but it must weigh either 45 or 25 lbs., depending on whether you are testing for arduous or moderate duty
  • An accurately measured, safe, and level course.

Taking the Test:

Testing will be monitored and any problems should be brought to the attention of the test monitors.

  • No jogging or running is permitted
  • The test is Pass/Fail only
  • Bring your own pack, or a standard firefighter backpack with weight added will be provided
  • Packs will be weighed before and after testing


 16-24  12:00
 25-29  13:00
 30-39  14:00
 40-45  17:00
 46-50  20:30
 51-55  22:00
 56-60  23:30
 60 +  24:00

Personal health, physical fitness, and work capacity all work toward making conditions safer for firefighters and the people they protect. Click here to download Application.